Movie Loft presents “Stars and Bars” + HOT DOGS!
The Harry Dean Stanton Appreciation Society looks askance at the South with Stars and Bars (1988)!
Roger Ebert created the “Stanton-Walsh rule,” which states that any movie that features Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh, however briefly, cannot be all bad. We’ll put this rule to the test every month in 2024 with the Harry Dean Stanton Appreciation Society!
The month of May brings us the little-seen comedy Stars and Bars (1988), from Irish director Pat O’Conner (Cal, The January Man). A British art expat (Daniel Day-Lewis) ventures from New York to the South on the trail of an elusive Renoir. Once in Georgia, our Englishman finds himself amidst a kooky bunch, including our beloved Harry Dean as one Loomis Gage, the head of an eccentric family. Also featuring such luminaries as Martha Plimpton, Rockets Redglare, Joan Cusack, Steven Wright, Spalding Gray, and the bared buns of Day-Lewis!
Never released on DVD, we’ll be taking in the humor while basking in the full glory of VHS!
And, by popular demand, wieners are returning for the warmer months! Grillmaster Rob will be back on the grates of steel, serving up the Sabretts nice and hot starting at 7 pm!
FREE, donations appreciated. Doors ’n dogs at 7 pm, movie commencing at 8 pm. BYO or sample what’s on hand!